In the story of the Wizard of Oz, the Cowardly Lion famously goes with Dorothy to the Emerald City looking for courage. After all, he was frightened of everything. Fear is a natural reaction to something new or to unexpected changes. But, we cannot let fear rule our lives. Courage is the ability to face down those fears and challenge oneself to be better today than we were yesterday. Courage requires us to step out of our comfort zones and stretch ourselves to be more than we thought was possible. While the Cowardly Lion is a great example from the movies, we see examples of courage everyday in our own lives. The single mother working two jobs to put food on the table for her kids shows us courage. The family dealing with heartache and loss, but they still find a way to love others show us courage. Our kids can show us courage each day as well. They find a new friend to sit with at lunch. They work and work and work until...